Can you think of a circumstance under which "sendMessage" is needed? I am really curious and want to know if I can use it in my trainer.

That being said, if you don't know what it is, you probably don't need to use it. I'm sure it would be useful in some circumstances, just like how other miscellaneous functions are useful in other circumstances (e.g. Why do we need "sendMessage" at all in CE? An application can generate messages to direct its own windows to perform tasks or to communicate with windows in other applications. The system also generates messages in response to changes in the system brought about by an application, such as when an application changes the pool of system font resources or resizes one of its windows. The system generates a message at each input event-for example, when the user types, moves the mouse, or clicks a control such as a scroll bar. Messages are generated by both the system and applications. The system passes input to a window procedure in the form of a message. You should already know what showMessage does, but the meaning of the word "message" in the sendMessage function is described here: The word "message" refers to two different things with regards to those two functions. What's the difference between "sendMessage" and "showMessage"?