Want to send a quick message to a colleague in private? Or drop a link while in a meeting with your team where everyone can see it? In order to do this, you need to use chat, a central feature of Microsoft Teams. So let’s get into it, and discover all that Teams has to offer when it comes to communication and collaboration! With Teams also acting as a hub for other Microsoft 365 apps and services, it truly becomes a one-stop shop for users to get their work done without having to navigate multiple apps. Send a message instantly through chat, set up a voice or video call, or schedule a meeting between your users and an external collaborator. We already know that Microsoft Teams is the industry-leading app for workplace collaboration, but what about communication? Another strength of the app is in its ability to provide a variety of ways to contact other members of your organization, and even those outside of it. ShareGate‘s easy-to-use SaaS tools enable organizations to achieve more than ever before with Microsoft cloud technologies. In our guide to Microsoft Teams, we join forces with Microsoft MVPs to bring you up to speed on all things Microsoft Teams.

Learn all about how you can get the conversation started through chat, set up a meeting, and share files in one convenient location. Microsoft Teams is your one-stop shop for collaboration and communication.