I’ve also ran the game through a compression to save on space, almost halving the extracted size, this is incredibly useful for SSD users'Includes Darkness pt 1, 2 & 3 Expansion, Marco's KKPregnancy and otherKKPregnancy basic settingsTo exclude the possibility of pregnancy in a particular character, you need to uncheckmain launcher ' Koikatu.exe'If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents. Meanwhile RX1 is bepin5 based and has all mods updated to current release, and there’s a lot of them. You must be registered to see the linksCHINESE AND KOREAN TRANSLATIONS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS PACK DUE TO PROBLEMS WITH LOADING THEM UNDER BEPINEX5! THEY WILL BE READDED IN A LATER RELEASE WHEN I FIGURE THAT OUT!The main difference from repack 9.3:'9.3 is bepin4 based and there will be no new mods for bepin4.

But since the total number exceeds tens of thousands, it is logical that all the characters will not be included.There are long known resources where you can download characters.